Final Countdown

It’s the first week of 2006; strange how fast the last five years have gone by, even more strange is the realization that we’re actually moving to New Zealand in less than twelve weeks – more like nine to be precise. We have transitioned from being folks who are ‘talking about moving to NZ’ to folks who are moving to NZ. There’s no going back now – we’ve been talking about this for a year, fantasizing about all the experiences we were going to have and now we’re about to have them. It feels a bit surreal but then I get shaken from my dreamland when I realize all the things that still need to be done:

Decide on a freight company and book dates for packing, buy airline tickets, purge the closets (of clothes, papers, and all the junk we’ve accumulated in the last 7 years – we’re such packrats), sell things on Ebay or Craigslist, buy all the additional things we need to take with us from Ebay, Craigslist, or Amazon, deal with finances, taxes, and legal matters, plan our initial itinerary for NZ since our household will be in transit for six weeks and we’ll be ‘home less’, spend five days with the Guidi family in Florida, host the Scanlon family for four days in SF, and, uhm, spend as much time with our friends before we go. Oh, and make time to go the gym, read, develop my Reiki practice, and have quiet time for myself.

It’s a daunting list and I wonder if we can pull it off by our self-imposed departure date.