Lisa & Kathy have been co-creating workshops since 2015. Under the umbrella of wellness, they seek to nourish & nurture women by providing day-long and multi-day workshops utilising creative modalities where yoga, dance, art, meditation, mantra, and delicious vegetarian food are featured.
Lisa has been exploring yoga since 1983 and began teaching in 2009. She is an experienced yoga group facilitator and qualified creative therapist and Spiritual Coach. Lisa brings passion, enthusiasm, and respect to all participants. More about Lisa
Kathy runs Birdsong Retreat. She is a WOW girl (Ways of Wellness), passionate cook, blogger, budding artist, and community-maker. More about Kathy
Read what attendees have said about previous workshops:
“The Art Workshop was cathartic, uplifting, and releasing = freedom. I love Lisa’s teaching style – she presents an informative approach with a well paced, lighthearted manner while retaining the sacred space of yoga & meditation for those participating. Kathy’s dedication to “food is your medicine” is apparent in the quality of the food from your property and the love and time you put into creating a healthy balanced menu for workshop participants. Your herbal/food/fermentation knowledge is paramount for health & well-being.” Margy, Akaroa
“Both the art & yoga workshops were great. I am over 60 years old now and have been ‘working’ on myself for 30+ years. The workshops have been a useful contribution to that work.” – Sara, Akaroa
“It runs like a well oiled machine and is a beautiful way to spend time. Long may they continue.” – Dell, Christchurch
Scholarships: One scholarship is available for this workshop. If money is a barrier, please inform us. You may also nominate someone you think could benefit from a workshop but whose situation may not facilitate this right now.