I lay curled in the roots of the elder tree
Waiting to be Reborn
I am a babe in the womb
Incubating, waiting, getting ready
To slide into the light again.
The birthing pains are real
Limbs aching
Stretching and reaching into the void
I am too big for this body
I cannot be contained
Vast are my heart and love
Why am I so afraid?
The shedding of old ways and understandings
Like autumnal leaves
Fall to the ground
They wither, crumble and die
And feed the new roots of the tree.
There is a stirring, the sap starts rising
The tree limbs extend towards the sky
The crone is coming
With her knowledge, her wisdom
Tuned to the rhythms and cycles of Gaia
She arrives in her own time.
The new buds are forming
The spring leaves unfurl
Into the glorious rays of dawn
This is a new time
The Golden Age
It is the age of ME.