Time for Pilgrimage Again….

EnligTENment poster

I’m home from the States just a month and barely settled back in, but time stops for no one.   Kiwiburn is upon us and tomorrow I’ll be flying up to Auckland where Bruce will pick me up and whisk me off to the site.

Our annual festival officially starts next week, but for the planning and set up crew, Kiwiburn started a few weeks back.   Over 40 people are on site, building and creating the infrastructure needed to host a 600+ person festival.   I’ve been frantic – watching our ticket sales, keeping a close eye on everyone’s budgets, dealing with our constituent base, and trying to get my own projects done to bring to Kiwiburn.

Bruce is building the temple this year and has been working on plans and templates for the last 6 months.   With all the pieces finally fabricated, the parts got shipped up to the north island last week and Bruce, Ollie, and Tim head out in our van earlier this week.   The van was fully loaded when I waved goodbye to the boys.



The theme this year for Kiwiburn is EnlighTENment, a partial tribute to our 10th Kiwiburn anniversary and also a recognition of the significance of 2012 and the movement into what some say is a new age.

Bruce has named his piece The Temple of Kali and had dedicated the temple to my dad Hugo.   So the temple has an extreme special significance to me.    Built as a dodecahedron,  Bruce has elevated his sacred geometry knowledge and skill and the number of sides and the star formation all has special meaning.



I’ve taken on the making of the altar inside the temple as I want to create a place for people to leave offerings.    I’ve got a photo board of dad and of grandma who died just a few years back.  I’ve painted and collaged a piece called “Illusion”.    I’ve also gathered a bunch of materials to start the makings of a mandala/despacho and have put it out to the Kiwiburn community to bring offerings to contribute it.  I am excited to see what we co-create.


Kali is often referred to as the goddess of death and destruction and also creation.  She is usually feared.   I’ve read a bit about her and found some lovely stories/quotes that I’ve printed out and collaged to put in the temple.    Why fear her?   What we are looking at when we see Kali are our own fears, our egoic fears, which, in order to be truly liberated and free, must be destroyed.    Bring it on Kali.

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 I’m loving the symbology and synchronicites of the Kiwiburn theme and the path that my life has taken this past year.   It’s all merging together and is resonating loudly.   This is yet another opportunity to participate in ritual and honor dad and all the ancestors and everything we hold sacred.

Kiwiburn – it’s gonna be a great event this year.  I can feel it.