More on Kiwiburn: The Green Fairy


I feel the need to pay homage to our Green Fairy theme camp as we pulled off something quite amazing at Kiwiburn which exceeded all of our expectations. From previous posts, you may have gleaned that we worked non-stop in January getting our theme camp ready for the festival. The official description on the Kiwiburn website said The Green Fairy was “a chill space with ambient sounds and interactive features to encourage the artist in you to come out and play with the fairies! There will be seating, music, and of course, black light and black light decor with floral and green fairy themes.”

Starting with very little on hand for our camp, we purchased a lot of our infrastructure: a generator, a carport, black lights (all which will be useful elsewhere in our lives) , and we made all of our decorations from recycled materials. We spent weeks painting and converting our empty vitamin bottles into UV-reactive lanterns, sewing outfits, and Bruce spent quite a bit of time making The Green Fairy el-wire sign which luminated across the paddock at night. When Cass got into town from Perth, she painted up several banners to hang in the carport. We brought the laptop and speakers for our sound system.

GreenFairyOverview GreenFairyDayGreenFairyDayInterior

By day, the camp didn’t look all that exciting, but we were located in a really sweet spot in one of the outer paddocks which had an awesome view of the lake. We usually had people drop by and chill out and get out of the hot sun and we always had some hospitality to offer up, generally of the cheese and cracker variety.

Nighttime2 NighttimeNighttime3

And we weren’t just a chill space… in actuality we were running a bar in the evenings, serving absinthe, absinthe cocktails (champagne & absinthe or champgane and midori), and green tea, all of which was quite well received. We three (Cass, Bruce, and myself) had our bartending uniforms (top photos) comprised of reconstructed lab coats and cowboy hats. And oh how everyone liked the UV black lights!

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And, we weren’t just a bar, we were an interactive bar which meant that in order for someone to get a drink, they had to do something. We had hoola hoops, UV paper for making decorations, and sock puppets!


Can’t wait for next year!

Our kiwiburn photos can be seen here.